The Rebasification of the Roman theatre in mediaeval Zaragoza


  • Özge Özkuvancı image/svg+xml Özyeğin University

    Özge Özkuvancı graduated in Architecture from Gebze Technical University and holds a master’s degree in architectural design from Istanbul Technical University (2019). She is a Ph.D. candidate in the Architecture Program of Özyegin University and, since 2017, a research assistant. She is a member of the Dynamic Research on Urban Morphology laboratory at Özyegin University. Her main research interests are urban morphology and building typology.

  • Alessandro Camiz image/svg+xml Özyeğin University

    Alessandro Camiz graduated (BArch+MArch) in Architecture at “Sapienza” University (Rome, 1999). In 2007 he discussed his doctoral thesis on “History of medieval town planning in Ravenna” (Sapienza), and therein attended post-doctoral studies until 2014. He taught at the Rome programme of the School of Architecture (University of Miami) and at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts of Girne American University, Cyprus, where he directed until 2018 the International Centre for Heritage Studies and the Department of Interior Architecture. He is member of ICOMOS-Italy, secretary general of the Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology and research director of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Cyprus. He is currently associate professor and director of the Laboratory of Dynamic Research on Urban Morphology at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Özyeğin University, Istanbul, and Research director of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research-AHDR, Cyprus (2015- 2017; 2018-2021). His main research interests are on history of medieval architecture, urban morphology and building typology.



typological process, building typology, typological plan, rebasification, Caesaraugusta


This study aims to illustrate the formation of the urban tissue over the Roman theatre in the walled core of Zaragoza. Within the scope of the study, the typological plan of the city was prepared using the building surveys taken in 1911, and the plan was interpreted as a historical organism. The basic types in the city are determined, and methods of the process-based typology are used to reveal the formation process of a selected urban tissue that is an example of the rebasification of a specialized building. In this example, a Roman theatre was repurposed as a foundation for constructing residential buildings and affected the formation process of the urban block until its discovery.


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How to Cite

Özkuvancı, Özge, & Camiz, A. (2023). The Rebasification of the Roman theatre in mediaeval Zaragoza. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 4(3), 372–379.



Research Articles