A Methodology approach for the comparison of cases in space syntax and morphology studies
domestic space, research methodology, spatial morphology, space syntaxAbstract
The aim of this paper is examining a research design methodology approach. This methodology approach is mainly focusing on investigating the comparison of consistent cases within a research structure. The comparison is carried out through the 2D drawing layouts such as plans in the selected study. Although the main concern is examining the methodology covering the comparison of low-rise apartments’ domestic space plan layouts, the exemplar study is also introduced briefly within the paper for a better understanding of the introduced comparison structure and the part of the methodology scrutinized. Comparison of plan layouts related cases in space syntax and morphology studies is the starting point. Afterwards, the discussion on the selection of similar plan types (2D drawings) in meaning and sizes made the methodology introduced possible. Focusing on an architectural design related research study is a crucial part of this paper supporting the core discussion. For this reason, focusing on a former research based on architectural design related domestic space investigation with its context related to low-rise apartment plans’ in Istanbul was needed. Other than domestic space investigations, this approach may also be applied to similar investigations covering building design morphology and spatial syntax related researches focusing on the comparison of cases depending on a systematic selection. The selection of the analyzed cases in this design methodology approach is crucial with their similar extent of plan sizes and semantic coherence in relation with their use of spaces. Environment-Behavior Studies related research context is also crucial for this methodology approach. Behavioral circuits, behavior setting, and culture-ecology perspective within the building scale should be primarily discussed in order to use this paper’s methodological approach.
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