Housing typologies from different markets and prices throughout Istanbul
housing types, location, housing prices, restructuring, IstanbulAbstract
During the last two decades, Istanbul experienced rapid growth due to national and international migration. In addition, multi-center development of the city, construction of peripheral highways, bridges and metro systems have affected the economic, cultural and physical structure of the city. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the changes of the housing types and prices from the center to the periphery. While some of the fashionable neighborhoods lost their importance through time, some new neighborhoods became fashionable due to their modern buildings in the green areas. The great impact of Bosphourus and Marmara Sea shores amenities on the type and price of housing was emphasized. Economic development, globalization, restructuring and strategic locations have contributed to improve the quality of housing and to increase their prices. Due to increasing income gap, there is a widening difference between the types of low-income and upper-income housing.
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