Augmented experiences in archeological sites: Presentation of Alexandria Troas Podium Temple to visitor experience


  • Hakan Anay image/svg+xml Eskişehir Osmangazi University

    (Hakan Anay has bachelors, masters and Ph.D. degrees in architecture from the Middle East Technical University. Fields of interests are architectural design, design research, design criticism and theory.  He is one of the editors of the Architecture Theory Library project in ESOGU with Ulku Ozten) and currently working on Augmented Reality in Architecture, with a particular emphasis on presentation of built-heritage and design of augmented experiences.

  • Ülkü Özten image/svg+xml Eskişehir Osmangazi University

    (Ulku Ozten holds masters and Ph.D. degrees in Architecture from the Middle East Technical University. She teaches architectural theory and conducts design studio in Osmangazi University Department of Architecture. Fields of interests are epistemology, theory and criticism of architectural design, architectural research. She is one of the editors of the Architecture Theory Library project in ESOGU with Hakan Anay) and currently working on experience of space in terms of AR.

  • Merve Ünal image/svg+xml Eskişehir Osmangazi University

    Merve Unal graduated from Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Architecture in 2018. She completed her master's degree in Building Science at Eskişehir Osmangazi University in 2021 and started her doctorate education. She is still continuing her doctorate education. She is currently working in the fields of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence within the scope of 100/2000 PhD Project.

  • Erhan Öztepe image/svg+xml Ankara University

    Erhan Oztepe, who graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Classical Archeology in 1988, completed his master's degree in 1991 and his doctorate in 1999 in the same department. He continues to work as a professor at Ankara University, where he started to work as a research assistant in 1992. He has been chairing the Alexandria Troas Excavations since 2011. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Trabzon and Çanakkale Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. His fields of interests are Greek sculpture, Greek and Roman iconography, Cyprus archeology, archaic and classical Cyprus sculpture.



Alexandria Troas, archaelogy, architectural (Re)presentation, Augmented Reality (AR), visitor experience


Set aside the issues concerning their excavation, documentation, and conservation, as far as their presentation to the public experience is concerned, Archaeological sites represent a special case of cultural heritage that come with distinctive set of conditions and demands, posing a problem situation deserving a special treatment. Problem is manifold: The presentation should be informative, entertaining, and educational, all accomplished through an active corporeal and mental participation where interactivity and immersion must be the key. The setting must provide a holistic, comprehensible experience by completing “missing parts and layers,” and contextualizing it, perhaps through a story, a theme, or a background. Any intervention must be non-invasive, reversible and updateable; alternatives and different layers must be presented, preferably, synchronously. Above all, final setting should be subordinate to the primacies of “conservation of cultural heritage,” while providing an intellectually and physically accessible and sustainable overall historical environment. This has been an age-old issue for the scholars, a genuine challenge due to the ill-defined nature of the problem situation itself. The present study departs from the proposition that, Augmented Reality(AR), by definition, has a potential to contribute to such a problem situation. AR is a combination of real and virtual worlds, where “virtual” could complement what was missing in the real and new objects and layers might be woven together, into one new reality where active bodily and mental participation and interaction is possible. Though it might seem implied in the definition, the proposition still needs a rigorous investigation since AR is a rapidly emerging but still quite a young field that has a long way to go; and since, research on AR’s specific adoption to presentation of archaeological sites, apart from few examples, is still an unbeaten path. The present multidisciplinary study aims to take a step towards such an investigation. Established upon a detailed investigation and analysis of examples, the present study involves development of an AR application of a selected case: “Alexandria Troas Podium Temple,” followed by a field study. In the present report, we share our experience and observations of the process and the implementation. In conclusion, we propose that AR is a serious candidate to be a considerable asset for the presentation of archaeological sites for the visitor experience, without compromising the universal norms of conservation of cultural heritage. We also argue that AR seems to have its own agenda, coming with unprecedented possibilities still to be appreciated and adopted, which in turn might help us to go beyond the conventional conceptions and modes of conservation of cultural heritage and presentation.


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How to Cite

Anay, H., Özten, Ülkü ., Ünal, M., & Öztepe, E. . (2022). Augmented experiences in archeological sites: Presentation of Alexandria Troas Podium Temple to visitor experience. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 3(1), 24–40.



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