Investigating morphological changes of a capital city: The case of Ankara


  • Melike Boz Günay Istanbul Technical University

    Melike Boz Günay has degrees of B. Arch from TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETU), Ankara, and MSc in Urban Design from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). She is currently working as an architect and urban designer. Her research interests are Urban Morphology, Urban Design, Space Syntax, and Typo-morphology.

  • Ayşe Sema Kubat image/svg+xml Istanbul Technical University

    Professor Ayşe Sema Kubat has degrees of B. Arch and M. Arch and Ph.D. in Urban Design & Urban Planning from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). She worked as a Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning of ITU (1996-2020). She was the founding professor of the Landscape Architecture Department and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program at ITU. She has been serving on the Steering and Refereeing Committees of the Space Syntax Symposiums since 2003 and was the chair of the 6th International Space Syntax Istanbul Symposium in June 2007.  Her assistance and cooperation to the research project entitled 21st Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (cSUR) (2003- 2008) is appreciated as “Honorary Fellow of Global Center of Excellence " at Tokyo University. Her research is focused on Urban Morphology, Urban Planning & Design, Urban History, and Space Syntax. She currently serves as the “Chair of the Turkish Network of Urban Morphology TNUM” which aims to extend the cooperation between local researchers and other regional networks of ISUF (International Study on Urban Form).



Ankara, capital city, urban morphology, Space Syntax


Capital cities have a major role in carrying the symbolic meanings of their countries. Planning decisions and historical periods affect their urban forms and development processes. This research examines the morphological evaluation of Ankara—the capital city of Turkey—and provides an approach to understanding its unique physical structure. Ankara has witnessed strategically important planning periods through its history that are reflected in its urban form. The historical periods affecting the developing process of the capital city are analyzed through a mathematical method called "Space Syntax" which contributes to the field of urban morphology with a quantitative perspective. The analytical framework investigates the changing process of Ankara's unique urban axis and morphological structure. Its different historical periods show that the capital city is constantly changing. Ankara's monumental city axis, which shows its traces since the formation of the city, still exists today. However, this unique axis, which connects the historical core areas of the capital city, has lost its potential today. Due to economic and political demands, the main axis, namely Atatürk Boulevard, has been replaced by a newly formed western artery. Understanding Ankara's forming and changing process will enhance its subsequent development plans. By evaluating a unique capital city from Turkey with a morphological perspective, this research will contribute an approach to future studies.


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How to Cite

Boz Günay, M., & Kubat, A. S. (2021). Investigating morphological changes of a capital city: The case of Ankara. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 2((Special Issue), 129–146.



Space Syntax