From commerce to art: Transformation of intervention through the interactions of virtual and urban space in Karaköy


  • Tuba Sarı image/svg+xml Bursa Technical University

    Tuba Sarı is an accomplished architect and academic, renowned for her expertise in architectural history, theory, and design. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Eskişehir Osmangazi University (2008), a master’s in architectural design from Istanbul Technical University (2010), and a Ph.D. in Architectural History from the same institution (2017). During her doctoral studies, she served as a research assistant at ITU’s Faculty of Architecture for six years, contributing to various academic and design initiatives. Since 2018, she has been an Assistant Professor at Bursa Technical University, where she teaches and researches architectural history, contemporary urban design, and emerging global architectural trends. A visiting lecturer at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava in 2024, Dr. Sarı’s research encompasses tall buildings, urban imagery, and the intersection of architecture and urban design. She also leads Atölye Hisar, a dynamic urban design studio in Bursa.

  • Nurhilal Burak image/svg+xml Bursa Technical University

    Dr. Nurhilal Burak graduated with a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2010. Following significant professional experience in renowned architectural firms, she shifted her focus to academia, earning a master’s degree in architectural design (2014) and a Ph.D. in Restoration (2020), both from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). During her decade-long tenure as a research assistant at ITU, she contributed to high-impact research and teaching in the fields of restoration and architectural design. Currently, she holds the position of Assistant Professor at Bursa Technical University, where she delivers specialized courses and conducts research in Restoration, Conservation, and Architectural History. Dr. Burak’s expertise encompasses the preservation of cultural heritage and advancing architectural practices, solidifying her as a distinguished scholar and practitioner in her field.

  • Rümeysa Bayar image/svg+xml Erzurum Technical University

    Rümeysa Bayar is an accomplished urban planner and academic researcher with extensive expertise in urban and regional planning. She holds a bachelor’s degree in urban and Regional Planning from Selçuk University (2009), a master’s degree in urban development planning from University College London (2013), and a PhD in Urban Planning from Istanbul Technical University (2021), where her research focused on age-friendly cities and innovative spatial analysis techniques. In 2019, she furthered her academic experience as a visiting researcher at the University of the West of England, where she deepened her expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods. Rümeysa combines her strong academic foundation with a commitment to developing inclusive and sustainable urban environments, contributing to the field through research, publications, and professional engagements.



Karaköy, social network, transformation, urban intervention, virtual space


Having been subject to various spatial interferences amid rapid urbanization, Karaköy is one of Istanbul’s central neighbourhoods whose identity has significantly transformed in the last years. This paper focuses on Karaköy’s streets which were once the centre of trade, have now been replaced by artistic collective constructs. The study aims to document this transformation, considering various physical and social aspects of urban space, while highlighting a new form of “urban intervention” through virtual spaces. It questions how virtual environments can be considered as a mode of intervention in urban space and delves into the transitions from ordinary commerce places to artistic urban spaces. Validating user-space interaction, the technological interference of social networks with physical space creates virtual centres of attraction, improving the popularity of places. The field research focuses on the environs of Tersane Avenue, Mumhane Avenue and Ali Paşa Değirmeni Street in Karaköy, attending to spaces where commerce once took place –now replaced by artistic collective constructs and articulations. Captured virtual-spatial interventions are operationalized in three stages: First, functional transformations are analysed at the street-scale. This is followed by analyzing images and quantitative data extracted from social network databases. Finally, the up-to-date spatial analyses are constructed, and the intersections of virtual and urban spaces are evaluated. Findings show that the user experience and pleasure-based design elements bear the interaction between virtual and urban space, additionally, the virtual-spatial intervention encompasses the transformation of urban space beyond conventional practices aimed at structural and functional change.


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How to Cite

Sarı, T., Burak, N., & Bayar, R. (2024). From commerce to art: Transformation of intervention through the interactions of virtual and urban space in Karaköy. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 5(3), 342–362.



Research Articles