Urban parks in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
developing countries, urbanization, urban parksAbstract
The scarcity of well-functioning green spaces in the rapidly growing urban centers of developing countries poses significant challenges, hindering the well-being and quality of life for urban populations. Urban parks, often referred to as the "lungs of the city," have the potential to alleviate these challenges, yet their benefits are not always evident. This study explores the challenges and opportunities faced by urban parks in developing countries through a comparative analysis of Janmeda Park and Entoto Park in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The research assesses key dimensions, including accessibility, sociability, comfort, image projection, and management/maintenance. These elements are vital for understanding how well urban parks serve their communities and contribute to urban development. While Janmeda Park, despite its historical importance, struggles with physical and operational challenges, Entoto Park’s well-designed amenities, management, and safety provide a model for future park developments. The study offers recommendations to improve urban parks, such as enhancing accessibility, fostering sociability, ensuring user comfort and safety, strengthening image projection, integrating cultural and historical elements, and improving management and maintenance. It also highlights the importance of monitoring and evaluating park performance. These recommendations aim to guide urban planners and policymakers in enhancing urban parks, thereby supporting community well-being and promoting effective urban development. The insights provided are intended to inform better practices for urban park planning and management, contributing to more vibrant and functional green spaces in developing cities.
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