Village institutes as a design approach
context, design education, reading concepts, studio concepts, village institutesAbstract
At a glance, architectural space or architectural product is the name given to the artificial shell of actions arising from human needs. These needs range from basic expectations, such as protection, shelter, and production which are necessary for human life, to expectations which require more complex intellectual infrastructure such as culture, belief, and lifestyle. In this study, possible intellectual, architectural approach and design method preferences in Village Institute buildings as architectural products are examined and their contributions to architectural project education are discussed through project work examples. Within the scope of the study, the understanding of education and architecture of the village institutes were examined and possible inferences and concepts which would form the basis of the design were tried to be determined with the help of publications in the literature focused on these subjects. Further, it is aimed to question the relationship of these concepts with those produced in the architectural project studio. The design study subject of the article was carried out in the 2018-2019 Fall Semester at the Department of Architecture at KTU. The first step in the process is turning the inferences and concepts obtained by the executives into a set of information which shall be, eventually, compared with the student project work. This set is retained by the executives for discussion in the article. The second step is the literature research of the students about the project topic and location. Each student reached some concepts from the field and Village Institutes where Trabzon/Beşikdüzü Village Institute was located in the past and advanced his/her design studies through these concepts. Within the scope of this article, the concept sets obtained by the executives and students were compared and discussions were made on overlaps and divergences by associating the aforementioned two steps, and a theoretical framework was formed which was graphically formed.
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