Urban resilience for transformation: Clustering of hospitality services in the Golden Horn region


  • Fatma Gözde Köseoğlu Urban Planner (PhD), Turkey

    She studied City and Regional Planning in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. After barchelor education, attended master degree in Regional Planning Programme in İstanbul Technical Üniversity.  She completed Realestate Development and Management Doctoral Programme in Ankara University. She conducts researches on urban land rent, urban regeneration, gentrification and clustering.

  • Tüzin Baycan Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

    Tüzin Baycan is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at Istanbul Technical University. She is Fellow of the Academia Europaea, President of Turkish Regional Science Association and Council Member of European Regional Science Association (ERSA). She is Associate Editor of Asia and Pacific Journal of Regional Science; and Editorial/Advisory Board Member of Regional Science Policy and Practice; Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast; Social Value & Intangibles Review; Region; Journal of Independent Studies and Research-Management: Social Sciences and Economics; Romanian Journal of Regional Science; and Studies in Regional Science. She is Co-editor of Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics (2018); Editor of Knowledge Commercialization and Valorization in Regional Economic Development (2013) and Co-editor of Sustainable City and Creativity: Promoting Creative Urban Initiatives (2011) and Classics in Planning: Urban Planning (2008). Prof. Baycan is the author of many scientific papers and book chapters. Her main research interests cover urban and regional development and planning; urban systems; environment; sustainable development; creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; diversity and multiculturalism.




clusters, clustering of hospitality services, Golden Horn, urban resilience, urban renewal


In this study, the clustering trend of the accommodation along with the urban renewal process in the Golden Horn region in recent years is investigated. After the districts that are mainly chosen for tourism-oriented accommodation are determined, the location selection processes of accommodation is analyzed and the reasons behind the preference of said districts are examined. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between urban policies regarding the Golden Horn region and the location selection process and to detect how the factors affecting the preference of locations regarding tourism-oriented accommodation differ in different districts. In order to deduce the factors that play an active role in the clustering process in the region, first, the distribution pattern of the accommodation activities in the two sides of the Golden Horn and the districts that are mostly preferred were determined, and then the data obtained in the field studies from semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews conducted with the people representing these facilities in the determined districts, namely Balat-Ayvansaray, and Sütlüce, were interpreted. The findings of the study revealed the following original results regarding the location selection process of the tourism function in the Golden Horn: i) It was determined that there has been an increase in tourism-oriented accommodation investments in the districts in the Golden Horn region in the last 5 years; ii) The tourism-oriented accommodation facilities tend to cluster in the Golden Horn region and are predominantly located in the districts of Balat-Ayvansaray and Sütlüce; iii) Factors affecting the location selection processes of investments in two different districts differ according to the characteristics of the districts and the qualifications and preferences of the visitors. While tourism-oriented accommodation facilities are clustered in certain districts in the Golden Horn region, the reasons for clustering and the quality of the facilities that clusters vary according to the advantages of the district and the preferences of the visitors. The spatial effects caused by clustering also differ according to districts. In addition, it is observed that the location selection for accommodation in Sütlüce supports urban renewal in the district. As a result of the findings of the study, it is understood that the clustering of accommodation activity in the Golden Horn plays an important role in increasing urban resilience.


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How to Cite

Köseoğlu, F. G., & Baycan, T. (2021). Urban resilience for transformation: Clustering of hospitality services in the Golden Horn region. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 2(1), 28–43. https://doi.org/10.47818/DRArch.2021.v2i1010



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