Examination of vertical green systems in educational buildings: a field study in Çukurova University
vertical green system, educational building, energy analysisAbstract
The concept of sustainability, which is currently sitting on our agenda with increasing environmental pollution has gradually increased its importance. In order to leave a livable ecosystem for new generations, it is essential that individuals are given the necessary education within the scope of the issues that need to be done. The best training is hands-on training. A person can internalize the concept that he sees, touches, feels in the environment in which he is located, that is, lives with all his perceptions. In this case, building educational structures with the goals of sustainable architecture is an important step in terms of instilling the concept of sustainability in the younger generations. In the context of sustainable design, vertical green systems have taken an important place with the technological developments in recent years and it has been shown that they contribute to achieving sustainable design goals. It is believed that the application of these systems in school structures will make it easier for students to explain the concept of herd, because they are experiential. For these reasons, the aim of the study is to reveal the benefits of vertical green systems in terms of sustainability in educational structures and to present a study that can provide resources for sustainable school designs.In the study, the benefits of vertical green systems were discussed in the context of reducing the urban heat effect, improving air quality, absorbing noise and saving energy. Energy analysis was carried out through revit program by applying vertical green system to the educational buildings selected from Adana Çukurova University in order to demonstrate the benefits of vertical green systems within the scope of energy conservation with data. As a result of the evaluations made, the electrical energy savings of green vertical systems were revealed with numerical data and the criteria to be considered for an environmentally beneficial vertical green system application were explained.
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