The effects of Sinop province’s relative humidity values on bioclimatic comfort and urban and landscape planning
climate data, humidity and environmental effects, relative humidity, seasonal relative humidity changesAbstract
This study examines the monthly average relative humidity values in different districts of Sinop province and evaluates the impact of these data on urban and landscape planning. The relative humidity rates from January to December showed significant differences between districts. The highest relative humidity values were mostly observed in the Erfelek district, while the lowest values were recorded in the Türkeli and Boyabat districts. Seasonal changes caused fluctuations in relative humidity rates, with higher humidity levels detected particularly during the winter months. These data are crucial for understanding the climatic conditions of Sinop province and for making strategic decisions in areas such as agriculture, water management, and urban planning. The study specifically recommends the development of landscape planning and water conservation strategies in areas with high relative humidity. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to study the long-term effects of climate change and the necessity of continuous monitoring. Finally, this study provides an important data source for local governments and future research.
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