Uneven resilience of urban and rural areas to heatwaves
climate change, rural resilience, holistic resilience, urban resilienceAbstract
Extreme heat represents one of the most challenging climate change impacts of the Anthropocene, exerting influence not only on the economy and built environment but also on daily human life, posing threats to health. Within the existing literature, heatwaves and extreme heat phenomena have predominantly been examined at the urban scale, emphasizing the vulnerabilities inherent in urban areas. Conversely, rural areas are often highlighted for their advantages related to the natural environment. However, a broader perspective reveals that rural areas have their unique vulnerabilities that warrant careful consideration. This paper seeks to comparatively assess the vulnerabilities of urban and rural areas. Through an extensive literature review, the paper explores the divergent resilience of urban and rural areas across economic, social, environmental, structural, and governmental factors. The study concludes that both rural and urban areas exhibit distinct advantages and disadvantages, influencing their levels of vulnerability and resilience. This research is instrumental in providing a comprehensive outlook on resilience studies related to extreme heat.
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