An analysis of spatial designs produced through mid-journey in relation to creativity standards


  • Menşure Kübra Müezzinoğlu image/svg+xml Fırat University

    Menşure Kübra Müezzinoğlu completed her undergraduate education at Selçuk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Program in 2007. She received her master’s degree in 2010 and my Doctorate degree in 2018 from Selçuk University, Department of Architecture. Between 2010-2020; she worked as a lecturer at Selçuk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. Between 2020-2021, Selçuk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; she worked as a PhD Lecturer at Selçuk University Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Interior Architecture between 2021-2022, and at Fırat University Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture between 2022-2023. As of 2023, she has been working as an Associate Professor at Fırat University, Department of Interior Architecture. She has published many academic articles / papers / book chapters on interior architecture, spatial perception, environmental psychology, use of color and light in spaces, interior architecture education, accessibility, universal design and inclusive design, and has participated in group exhibitions with her interior designs. In addition to academic studies, she also has project designs and applications, especially in interior design.

  • Serpil Akan image/svg+xml Fırat University

    Serpil Akan completed Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture in 2021. She continues her master's degree with thesis at Fırat University, Department of Architecture, which she started in 2023.

  • Halil Yasin Dilek image/svg+xml Konya Food and Agriculture University

    Halil Yasin Dilek, in 2018 he completed his master's degree with thesis at Selçuk University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, and in 2021, at Çukurova University Social Sciences Institute, Department of Interior Architecture. He continues his doctoral education at Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Design, which he started in 2021. He continues to work at Konya Food and Agriculture University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture, where he started as a Research Assistant in 2021.

  • Yelda Güçlü image/svg+xml Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University

    Yelda Güçlü, completed her master's degree with thesis at Selçuk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics in 2012, and Selçuk University, Institute of Science, Department of Statistics, in 2018. She continues his doctoral studies at Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Business Administration, which she started in 2019.



artificial intelligence, architecture, art-based research, midjourney, Hassan Ragab


The purpose of this study is to comprehend how the artistic spaces developed by designer Hassan Ragab using Midjourney, one of the artificial intelligence technologies whose significance is growing every day, fit into the intersection of architecture and art. Using the random sampling method, six space modellings with three distinct forms and functions were selected for the study from the artistic spaces made by Hassan Ragab via Midjourney. People who have received or are undergoing design training were surveyed to analyze their perception of creative design principles in selected works. A total of 200 participants from two distinct design sub-professional groups were subjected to the research. According to the study, artificial intelligence offers a way for people without artistic ability to access art. Midjourney is an AI research lab with its own program and online platform that generates artwork from provided text. By using Midjourney, architectural designs can be turned into artistic works. Experts have found that most spatial designers have yet to try Midjourney and that the program has a significant impact on creative design principles like fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality and freedom.


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How to Cite

Müezzinoğlu, M. K., Akan, S., Dilek, H. Y., & Güçlü, Y. (2023). An analysis of spatial designs produced through mid-journey in relation to creativity standards. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 4(3), 286–299.



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