An overview of fringe belt literature through studies from different perspectives


  • Ezgi Küçük Çalışkan Marmara Municipalities Union

    Dr. Ezgi KÜÇÜK ÇALIŞKAN is the Urban Planning Coordinator at Marmara Municipalities Union. She graduated from Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning. She holds a master's in Urban Design from Istanbul Technical University. She received a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning at Istanbul Technical University, with her dissertation dealing with property relations in urban fringe belt areas. Her academic studies continue at the Turkish Network of Urban Morphology.



cross-cultural studies, different perspectives, fringe belt, literature


The fringe belt phenomenon, which was conceptually put forth by Herbert Luis in 1936, developed by M.R.G. Conzen starting from 1960, and placed on a historico-geographical basis in the context of urban rent theories by J.W.R. Whitehand, has been studied by researchers with different perspectives in cities developed with distinct socio-economic and cultural dynamics in various parts of the world. This paper aims to reveal how the fringe belt concept, which emerged within the Conzenian tradition of urban morphology turn into a phenomenon, has been handled from the time it first appeared to the present, to examine the contribution of different perspectives to the fringe belt literature and to present suggestions for the development of the concept. Selected from peer-viewed journals and academic conferences, 53 different fringe belt studies were examined according to their publication periods, within the framework of spatial, economic, social, and planning perspectives previously discussed by Ünlü (2013) as well as the ecological perspective. In this context, the selected studies are examined based on the case areas, methodology, and main findings on fringe belt formation and change. Property perspective is discussed as a hybrid approach in fringe belt studies. Finally, further research proposals are emphasized in order to realize the fringe belt phenomenon as durable and sustainable urban spaces.


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How to Cite

Küçük Çalışkan, E. (2023). An overview of fringe belt literature through studies from different perspectives. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 4(2), 160–174.



Research Articles