Evaluation of an alternative approach to increase productivity in architecture project studios through student projects


  • Melih Kurnalı image/svg+xml Konya Technical University

    Melih Kurnali is Assistant Professor at Interior Architecture pr., Konya Technical University. He is an interior architect and received his Ph. D. degree from Hacettepe University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. He has focused her research mostly on micro architecture, cabins, limited spaces, interior architecture education and spatial sense.

  • Ceyhun Şekerci image/svg+xml Konya Technical University

    Ceyhun Şekerci is an Assistant Professor Doctor at Konya Technical University, Department of Interior Architecture. His research continues in the field of social and human sciences, interior architecture education, parametric design, technology, virtual reality and in the field of disability.




architectural education, conceptual thinking, design education, architecture and design


Studio courses in architectural education are undoubtedly among the most important courses that prepare students for professional design life. A given project should be guided with the support of the instructors and should include a simulation of the process in professional business life. Despite this, research shows that there is a disconnect between academia and the professional process. In addition to the fact that the educational process tries to add a different understanding to the student, professional life cannot find the middle point with academic education due to the constant changes in regulations due to rent and similar reasons. In such an environment, giving meaning to projects with an idealistic understanding, offering a thematic experience and producing holistic buildings with identity increases the importance of alternative approaches in project studios in educational processes. Although it is not possible to prevent the emergence of identity-less and rent-oriented products in the market only through architectural education, approaches that will increase productivity in this education will also increase students' expectations from the profession. The conceptual approach, which is one of these alternatives, can be defined as creating a network of relationships based on a basic idea. This network of relationships allows the concept to be transformed into a concrete structure by distributing it to all project processes without moving away from the context and with an inclusive approach. In this study, first of all, the conceptual approach in design education will be emphasized and general definitions will be made, and Studio-2, Studio-3, and Studio-4 courses in Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture in 2021-2022 will be evaluated with a conceptual approach. With this approach, it has been concluded that the student's design perception and thinking technique can be developed by creating concept-based, original, and holistic, and focusing on the missing aspects of professional life in project courses.


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How to Cite

Kurnalı, M., & Şekerci, C. (2023). Evaluation of an alternative approach to increase productivity in architecture project studios through student projects. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 4(2), 244–257. https://doi.org/10.47818/DRArch.2023.v4i2096



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