Understanding the interplay of light, color, and interior design in healthcare spaces


  • Navid Khaleghimoghaddam image/svg+xml Konya Food and Agriculture University

    Navid Khaleghimoghaddam holds a doctorate in architecture. He works as an assistant professor at the Department of Interior Architecture at Konya Food and Agriculture University. In general, he works on key topics in architecture and neuroscience with psychological and physiological approaches, such as the study of the brain’s perceptual mechanism and emotional behavior, spaces of worship and healing, neuroarchitecture, cognitive  psychology,  environmental  psychology, and architectural education.




color, healing, interior design, light, healtcares spaces


Healthcare facilities have evolved from strictly functional to therapeutic places, integrating spiritual and psychological components of health. Design issues must be given specific attention to establish a therapeutic atmosphere that promotes successful therapy and stress alleviation. Color and light have a tremendous influence on the human mind and body, according to extensive studies, making them critical aspects of healthcare facility design. This study’s approach is to contribute to the construction of more effective therapeutic settings by investigating the effects of color and light on human wellness and providing design alternatives. So, it tries to provide a complete design paradigm that combines the strategic use of color and light in healthcare facility interior design. Because healthcare institutions play an important role in improving general well-being, this approach can help to create more effective healing settings. To provide the theoretical framework and collect data, this study uses a combination of library studies and descriptive research. The research initially investigates the notion of color and light, then explains their impact on physical and mental health disorders, as well as their use in therapeutic settings. The study concludes with the creation of a conceptual model and recommended design solutions for healthcare facilities.


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How to Cite

Khaleghimoghaddam, N. (2023). Understanding the interplay of light, color, and interior design in healthcare spaces. Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning, 4(2), 219–231. https://doi.org/10.47818/DRArch.2023.v4i2094



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