Citizen science projects in the context of participatory approaches: The case of Izmir
citizen science, Izmir, levels of participationAbstract
The term "citizen science" refers to scientific activity done entirely or in part by members of the public, frequently in cooperation with or under the guidance of licensed scientists. To better manage natural resources, monitor endangered species, and maintain protected areas, decision-makers, and non-governmental organizations increasingly turn to citizen science-based programs. A broad field, citizen science, offers numerous strategies for involving volunteers in research in various ways while including a whole range of research methodologies. Thus far, citizen science initiatives have been successful in advancing scientific understanding, and the advancements made by citizen scientists give a significant amount of data globally. The subject of citizen science is spreading rapidly, and its legitimacy is increasing. It also involves enhancing scientific research by utilizing a variety of subjects and data sources. Citizen science has the potential to increase stakeholder engagement, bring in new perspectives, and foster new forms of participation. Also, many initiatives are being developed in cutting-edge scientific fields. These programs now aim to solve an urgent issue or provide an answer to a research question while simultaneously enhancing community participation in science and influencing long-term policy implementation. The study utilizes to examine the citizen science projects in Izmir, Turkey according to the concepts and categorizations in the literature review in a systematic way to understand their participation levels and their potential.
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- URL-1 Date Retrieved: 02.03.2023 15:20
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