Conservation problems of rural architecture: A case study in Gölpazarı, Anatolia
sustainability, conservation, vernacular architecture, preservation, rural architectureAbstract
Rural areas have generous variety that combines local geographical features, buildings planned according to climatic conditions and the tradition of using local building materials, social relations and habits of the local people in their daily life. The purpose of this study is to determine the rural architectural heritage that is about to disappear; evaluate conservation proposals and developing policies to increase the interest in rural. In this study, the rural architectural heritage and conservation problems of Gölpazarı and its villages were evaluated as a representative area which has been an important settlement from prehistoric times until today in Central Anatolia. The architectural features have been examined with the settlement characteristics, analyzes, building typologies, construction techniques and materials. Rural areas have conservation problems such as immigration, socio-economic changes, and improper architectural interventions at the settlement and building scale. These problems have been analyzed through Gölpazarı, which is in danger of losing its original identity with structurally as well as socially. Based on the findings, conservation proposals for the building and settlement scale were interpreted. The cultural, social, economic and tourism potential of the settlement were evaluated to ensure the protection and sustainability. There has not been noteworthy research in this context in Gölpazarı and its surroundings. This study has potentials to be an example for developing rural heritage management in Anatolia.
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